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18 September 2012

This is much harder to keep up with than I thought. This past week, I found two great writing activities on pinterest. One was from The children loved sharing about their summer. I am very jealous, these kiddos are world travelers!!

The next writing activity is tied in with the bucket filler series. I started this two years ago, and I just think it is a fantastic ongoing activity for the classroom. I won't explain it here as many people are already in the know about it, and if not check out all the buzz at pinterest.   I use plastic buckets purchased from Oriental Trading Company and the buckets hang from a plastic shoe holder. I keep bucket filler paper by the buckets so the children can "fill a bucket"whenever they have free time. I hang all my bucket fillers that I receive on my wall by my desk and keep them always. They are treasures. Here is the link for the paper:

09 September 2012

Well, here we are a new school year!! I love my new class of first graders! These first 1/2 days we focused mostly on classroom expectations and behaviors. While I don't have a classroom theme, I loved the "Rockin Behavior Clip Chart" from the Inspired Apple Blog:

Here is a photo of the chart in my classroom.  The children already have said, Oh, I never want to be "singin the blues"!!                           

We also did two fun first day of school activity. One was a "Find a Friend"Activity. After much modeling, the children understand what to do and were going around the room asking their classmates the questions. I loved it!! Here is a link to my store for this activity:

We also did a bit of writing so I could see what they could do in terms of phonics, spelling, capital letters and full stops. I found this great writing activity. I apologize as I am not sure where it came from - I think LessonPlan Diva, but if anyone knows, please let me know so I can give credit to the correct person.

I have also discovered Dropbox. If you don't have this app, this is a must have!! All your storage in one place! No more "Where is my USB key?" Check it out at this link: